
December 21, 2016
Every year we make calendars to help bring in the New Year.  Depending on the year and things going on, I sometimes have my students make these calendars the week before Winter Break, sometimes the week after we've come back.

As a class, we fill out the dates and holidays for each month.  We do 2-3 months each day.  After we fill out each month, the students spend about 5-10 minutes getting started illustrating something that happens during that month. 

Then at the end of the week, I give the students some time to add details and complete the illustrations for each month. 

The students LOVE these and always talk about them hanging up in their homes.

If you want a copy, feel free to get it here.
Andrea Sign

Wrapping It All Up

December 17, 2016
 Some fun Winter themed activities that we've been doing...

After learning all about snowflakes in science, we made these snowflakes that the students could hang at their home - on their tree, wall decor, whatever works for them! 

In math, we learned about how wrapping paper is made up of patterns.  We then made wrapping paper that they could take home to wrap their gifts in.

Before Winter Break, I give the students these gifts of crayons and an activity book filled with things that can help keep them busy over the break (and to help prevent any Winter slide).

Andrea Sign

"Snow" better gift!

December 17, 2016
This year we made snowman magnets as gifts from the students to their parents for the holidays.  This activity only took about 10-15 minutes and they all ended up super cute!! The students all decorated them their own way and then put a picture of themselves where the purple frame is on my example.

I've been searching for the best Holiday gift and I think this is one that I will repeat for ages!! 

Andrea Sign

All About The Wampanoag

November 11, 2016
 When we learned about the Pilgrims at the beginning of this month, we also learned about the Wampanoag tribe.

One activity we did was complete an "All About the Wampanoag" book.  Basically we would read about a new topic of the Wampanoags and/or do an activity with that topic.  Then we wrote some things that we learned about the topic.  

The first topic we do is about their homes.  We complete the note taking page & what we want to write together as a class.  We do the illustrations too.  

We then do another topic.  This time I share with the class what I would write and illustrate but then they get to choose their own facts & pictures to write based on what they learned. 

If you want a copy of this book, you can get it here.

In the Spring, we have a research unit.  I like to do this Wampanoag book as a way to prepare for that research project. 
Andrea Sign

Two Peas In A Pod

November 07, 2016
Today we read a class favorite and as we were reading we were reminded of our own likes & dislikes. 

After reading, we talked about how Little Pea doesn't like to eat candy.  We then shared one thing we do not like.

We also thought about what Little Pea does like and what we like. 

Andrea Sign

C'est la vie!

November 03, 2016
Each month, I host an after school club.  This club meets once a week for about 30 minutes and we spend time learning all about cultures.  Last month, October, we learned all about the French culture!

We started by learning all about French landscape - how it is known for the beautiful flowers and gardens.  We learned that a lot of people like to chat, picnic, read, relax, and even paint in the gardens.  We learned about once famous painter in particular: Claude Monet, who painted one particular place in France over 200 times!
Add some finger painting, remove the tape, and Voila! 

The next week we learned about the Love Lock Bridge.  We then went on a scavenger hunt around our school for love locks.  We ended up finding some french chocolate at the end of our hunt!

The 3rd week we learned that each country has their own flag.  We then created the French flag.  This year we put our flags on popsicle sticks and folded them on the lines so they looked like they were waving. 

Here are pictures of the ones we made last year (I apologize it is upside down...the flag's colors are blue, white, then red).  

Last year, we did not do the scavenger hunt.  Instead, we talked about the shape of each country and made our own shape of France & got to decorate it however we liked - some kids drew flowers, some drew the French flag [correctly ;)], etc! 

We then ended our learning adventure by making French nutella & banana crepes.  We learned what a crepe is, the different types there are, how they are made, and how to fold a crepe. 

Throughout the month we also learned these French words!
  • Bonjour - Hello
  • Je m'appelle - My name is
  • J'adore - I love 
  • Je voudrais - I would like
  • Au revoir - Good bye
  • Merci - Thank you
  • L'eau - water 

Andrea Sign

Life Of A Pilgrim Child

November 02, 2016
Today we learned all about the Life of a Pilgrim Child.  The lessons we did happened to be an extension of the last post, BUT I have done these as stand-alone activities before.

We started off today by reading some of our favorite Pilgrim books.
If I had a copy, I would have also read the book "Samuel Eaton's Day: A Day in the Life of a Pilgrim Boy" by Kate Waters.

Then we added to our pilgrim boy and girl venn diagram.

We then went back into our character roles that we did as part of our Mayflower lesson which you can find here.  

To refresh your memory: we finished watching the first 10 minutes of Charlie Brown Mayflower Voyage and they are now at the part where they are about to get off the ship & explore the New World. 

I told the students that before they can get off the Mayflower and explore the New World (w/ Charlie Brown), they had to write an expert piece about children living in Pilgrim times.

After they finished their writing, they created themselves as a pilgrim boy/girl.   

You can get the pilgrim writing paper & templates here.
Andrea Sign

Life on the Mayflower

November 01, 2016
It's November!!

This November I had to go ahead and restructure my plans...normally I do election stuff around President's Day but with the election happening I decided to rearrange and talk about elections in November.  Also, we have a full off for Thanksgiving rather than 3 days...ughhh.  Anyone else have this happening this year?? How do you feel?? I'm feeling like those 2 days before are also a nice time with my students and also that no one else in my family is taking the whole week off so I'm just hanging around for 2 days until we are all ready to go on our family trip on Wednesday.  But may be that's just me...    

Anyway, so I restructured my November plans...
Week 1: Past/Present: Mayflower, Pilgrims & Wampanoags   
Week 2: The forming of America & Elections
Week 3: Thanksgiving Traditions

We started off this week by reviewing the past and present by doing a past and present sorting activity. We did a lot of Past/Present work when we learned about Christopher Columbus so this is just a continuation of that & America's history.

We started by learning about the Mayflower today.  We began by picking up & [[skim]]  reading one of our favorite book series!!

As we read a section of the book, we would jot down fact onto our "Life on the Mayflower" anchor chart.

After we had researched about the Mayflower, what life was like on the Mayflower, and why the Pilgrims went on the Mayflower I told the students it was time for them to pack their chests because they were about to go on their own Mayflower voyage.  They were SO EXCITED!  We reviewed what things the Pilgrims were allowed to take with them & then they were each handed their own chest to pack with things that they would have had in the Pilgrim era.  
Click on the pic above for a free copy of the template.
Once they all had packed their chests, they were told to meet at the carpet.  We happened to do this entire lesson in one day; however, it can easily be split into 2).  We talked about how we were going to pretend the carpet was the Mayflower.  As we sat aboard the Mayflower, we watched the 1st 10 minutes of "Charlie Brown - Mayflower Voyage" - while I do not watch video often, there are so many benefits of using this one!! 

1) It is pretty historically correct
2) Charlie Brown is pretending he was on the Mayflower Voyage - just as the students were
3) The sounds within the media often changed based on the emotions happening - so we paused & talked about what the purpose of the sound was (TEK #16B)
Note: Before we watched, we did talk about how this is a tool to enable us to learn more about long ago & reiterated that they did not have technology back then.
Andrea Sign

Rocktober & More

October 29, 2016
Is it just me or does this little ghosty crack you up? I adore him! 

We spent the month of October learning all about rocks! 

We spent the last few days of our unit exploring all about caves - from how caves form to the parts of a cave to cave formations to animals that live in caves.  We then wrapped up our rocktober fun by taking a field trip to the Inner Space Caverns.  If there is a cavern near you - I would definitely suggest taking a trip there.  The students LOVED it! And totally connected it with their learning - a few things I heard during the field trip...

"Are we in the twilight zone?"
"Oh, look! We are entering the mouth of the cave!"
"I hope we see some bats!"
"Oh cool! A stalagmite, a stalagmite, a column!" 

It was so fun to see their learning being connected to a real life experience!!

We did some fun cave activities (which of course I did not take pictures of...whomp, whomp...)

Here a some fun bat/cave activities we did
Top left: Text to Self Connection.  We read a bat book and on the back of that craftivity we included our text to self connection written response.
Top right: We began our unit on addition by creating a visual, a math sentence, and a word sentence to show the addition that was happening.
Bottom left: After learning all about bats, we wrote about what it would be like if we were a bat.  Then we drew 3 pictures of different things that we wrote about.
Bottom right: BME activity after reading Stellaluna.

We then spent the remaining few days of October learning about the history of Halloween, themes of Halloweens - including pumpkins, and completing some "spooky" Halloween projects!

You can get this spider here.

Andrea Sign

All About Me! {presentations that is!}

October 24, 2016
Building a sense of community is one of the most important things to do in the classroom.  It is such a focal point at the beginning of the year and I feel like it needs to continue through the rest of the year too.  

Letting students share about themselves and learn about others is one of the best ways to do this! 

Each Wednesday morning after the announcements (starting about the 3rd week of school) we have an All About Me presentation.  I remember having All About Me presentations growing up and loving them so I wanted to make sure to incorporate them into my classroom as a teacher.

Each child has a week assigned to them.  The students LOVE this time! The presentation lasts about 5-15 minutes and during this time the student's family members come and watch the student tell the class about themselves - from what their favorite food it to what their favorite color is to their favorite sports team to introducing the class to their family members, etc.  The student creates a poster at home with all of these favorites on them and the students use this poster to guide his/her presentation.

After this presentation, the class creates a book for the student. The book consists of a page (or more) from each classmate about what he/she learned about the week's presenter.  The students love writing all about their classmate! 
 It is also great because it is a time the students are often using common words like "like," "favorite," "color," "is," & "has."

After we finish the book, I read it to the class.

You can grab this freebie here.

Andrea Sign

October Craftivities

October 23, 2016
October is such a fun month because of the unlimited amounts of festive craftivities that are possible! 

After reading Stellaluna, we talked about the beginning, middle, and end of the story.  We then made the cute visual above. 

During our study of S blends, we made these S blend spiders.  

Andrea Sign


October 13, 2016
We have been spending this week talking all about timelines and chronological order.  

I've been searching for what feels like forever for a good timeline activity that my first graders could do and I have finally found the perfect one! 

After talking about past, present, & future and sequencing Columbus' voyage, we created our own timelines.

How cute are these?! Perfect for first graders!! 
Andrea Sign

Syllable Shenanigans

October 11, 2016
Today we started learning all about syllables.  It is an important topic when teaching what sounds "y" can make.  

I teach them to put their hand under their chin and every time their chin moves down when they are saying a word = ones syllable.  So in butterfly their chin/hand moves down 3 times when saying that word which means butterfly has 3 syllables. 

We then practiced this strategy for counting syllables by doing a whole group syllable sort.  I showed them many pictures and then as a class they should me with their fingers how many syllables was in the word.

Tomorrow is game day - we are going to start practicing the syllables by playing different games and hands-on activities! First, each child will complete the syllable zoo activity.  After they finish that activity, they will race each other.
Andrea Sign

Weekend News!

October 09, 2016
Happy Sunday!

Is it just me or do these weekends FLY by??

Every Monday my First Graders always come in with so much that they want to tell me about theiir weekend! Between students wanting to share and parents telling me things about heweek, I often found Monday mornings a bit overwhelming. 

I wanted to be sure to have a chance to listen to what my first graders had to tell me in a way where there wasn't a line first thing Monday morning...

This is my FAVORITE way to kick off the week with my group of Firsties...

I just love this time when my students practice writing about what they did over the weekend and my first graders love being able to share after writing what it is that they did.  

Here is how it works: when the students come in on Monday morning, they spend the first 15-20 minutes (with morning announcements at some point during that time) writing in their "Weekend News Journal" all about their weekend! Then, all of the students come to the carpet and we take turns sharing what they each did during the weekend. 

Tip: I have the students write the date at the top of the paper to help with organization.

Here's to a great week! 
Andrea Sign

A Week In Review

October 07, 2016
This week...

Our craftivity came from here.
Our phonics practice came from here.

We finished up setting and learned about characters this week.

A lot of our comparing numbers activities came from this packet.
Andrea Sign

We've Got Character!

October 06, 2016
One of my favorite activities we do is our character projects!

After spending the week learning all about character traits we spent today outlining and then creating our own characters from our own imagination.

The characters that the first graders come up with are so great! I love them! 

They then wrote about their characters.  They were so engaged and excited that many wrote numerous pages! 
Andrea Sign

Land Ho!

October 05, 2016
Today I spent time setting up for our Columbus Day fun on Friday.

Here is what we did last year...

Y'all, today was an ABSOLUTE BLAST!

Here is what led up to our fun for today...this week we have been learning about explores!

We began by learning all about explorers, creating an anchor chart, and writing about where we would like to explore as an explorer.

I found the cute templates for the boy and girl templates here and made the paper to fit the writing prompt.

We then learned all about Christopher Columbus.  The students were amazed that this happened over 500 years ago!  After reading the books, we made these great sequencing boats. 

Tip: After having the students cut out all of the sails, have the students find a spot in the room and lay out all the sails.  Then teach them how to sequence them (put one behind the other) and read each sail many times until they are able to sequence them.

Our morning work.

Finally, TODAY, we packed our bags, created a map/telescope, and put our hats on for a journey to a new land!  I found this idea from Jodi and isn't it the BEST?! My students absolutely LOVED IT!!!! They were so into it and many adults commented on how impressed they were with the deep understanding of facts that the students knew about the voyage! 

My goal was that the students understood the risks, sentiments, preparation, and trading that goes into exploring BUT the students were so into this Columbus Day voyage that they also were all about learning certain "Columbus trivia" facts - such as 1492, the 3 names of the ships, etc.

A couple of tips...
  • I did not have 7 volunteers so I took out a couple of the items to be traded for & kept the pumpkin (pumpkin muffins), cotton, feathers, popcorn, and cinnamon (cinnamon rice crispy treats.)
  • We didn't have another room available to go visit, so I had my natives sit on picnic blankets outside and when we arrived, I had the students sit in groups of 5.
  • Once everyone had traded in that group (and the group had talked about what the item was, how the item is used by the natives, what it feels like/tastes like/looks like/etc.) we would rotate to the next group.
  • We completed the voyage day book altogether and once we finished I gave them some time to color.
  • Before the voyage, I told the students that, like Columbus, we would be writing about our exploration and what we found and then sharing our exploration with our loved ones back home (they were supposed to read it with their families at home).

Happy Exploring & Happy Columbus Day (almost)! 
Andrea Sign

Classic Joke Tuesday

October 04, 2016

Q: Why do seagulls fly over the sea?
A: Because if they flew over the bay, they would be called bagels!

{Who doesn't love a good cheesy joke?}

I decided to incorporate a Classic Joke Tuesday into my classroom (based off of Ellen Degeneres' Classic Joke Wednesday) and the students LOVE it!

Each Tuesday morning I write a joke (with many grammatical mistakes) on the board.  During the morning meeting, we work as a class to correct the joke.  Once the joke it written on the board correctly, it stays there until the end of the day (rewritten in a small corner so it doesn't take up too much space).  

Before they leave for the day, we take a few minutes to guess what it could be and then I share with them the answer.  

Andrea Sign

Even Gleeven and Odd Blodd

October 02, 2016
It's October Y'all! Is it just me or does this little ghosty crack you up? I adore him!

Last week in math we began learning about Even and Odd numbers.  It was a very busy week though so we did not quite get to everything and will be finishing up this week - which is perfect because it is October and I love making our "Even Gleevens and Odd Blodds!"

In prepping for the rest of our Even & Odd unit, I thought I would share what we did last year since we are doing some of those activities again.

Back when we first learned about digits, we did learn about which were even and odd.  First I had my first graders find a partner and then I told them I had different food items.  If the items were even and they could share them fairly then they could eat them.  This brought a great concrete idea to the concept of even & odd.

Now onto learning about how to know if a number more than 10 is even or odd.

First we played a game called prove it.  The students created a game board and then passed their board to a partner and had to prove whether the numbers on the board were even or odd.

Then I let the cats out of the bag, gave each student a cat, and we sorted them between even and odd.  
Once everyone finished, we all came to the carpet to look at the patterns we saw in the sorts.  We made the conclusion that you have to look at the ones place to tell if a number is even or odd.

I save this next activity for October because I love the craftivity that goes with it! 

After reading the story, we made an "Even Gleeven and Odd Blodd." Monsters that either like everything about and around them to be even or odd. 

Another activity was this this quick sunflower cut & sort activity.  Then I had students play an even & odd game.

Our check point for this week was this quick little sheet of paper.

Andrea Sign